Hello, Yesterday I purchased an USB pen drive, connected it to a shrike PC and, after manual mounting, copied into it some files. I then went to another shrike PC, mounted it manually again, copied all its files on local disk. So far so good. I then tried to cancel them on the pendrive, to copy other ones, and could not do it because of "read-only filesystem"! Same thing happens right now from another PC running RH7.2. Mounting with -o rw option doesn't change anything. The relevant dmesg output on this RH7.2 PC is pasted at the end of this message. Ideas? TIA, Marco Fioretti ##################################################################### parport0: cpp_daisy: aa5500ff(38) parport0: assign_addrs: aa5500ff(38) PCI: Found IRQ 11 for device 00:0a.0 3c59x: Donald Becker and others. www.scyld.com/network/vortex.html 00:0a.0: 3Com PCI 3c905B Cyclone 100baseTx at 0xdc00. Vers LK1.1.16 hub.c: USB new device connect on bus1/1, assigned device number 2 usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0xc76/0x7) is not claimed by any active driver. SCSI subsystem driver Revision: 1.00 Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices Vendor: Eutron Model: Picodisk Easy Rev: 1.00 Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured USB Mass Storage device found at 2 USB Mass Storage support registered. Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0 SCSI device sda: 256000 512-byte hdwr sectors (131 MB) sda: Write Protect is off sda: sda1 Filesystem panic (dev 08:01). fat_free: deleting beyond EOF File system has been set read-only Filesystem panic (dev 08:01). fat_free: deleting beyond EOF File system has been set read-only