---------- Original Message ---------------------------------- From: "shrek-m@xxxxxx" <shrek-m@xxxxxx> Reply-To: shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxx Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 00:10:39 +0200 ......striped >no gui, >but it works > >$man rpm >FTP/HTTP OPTIONS > rpm can act as an FTP and/or HTTP client so that packages >can be > queried or installed from the internet. Package files for >install, > upgrade, and query operations may be specified as an ftp or http >style > URL: > > ftp://USER:PASSWORD@xxxx:PORT/path/to/package.rpm > > >eg. > ># rpm -Uvh ftp://updates.redhat.com/9/en/os/i386/your_packages* I would really like a gui package once again. And I agree with you on wishing redhat-config-packages had these options that were once very used by myself in Kpackage. Thanks, alan ingham