I've seen this little glitch as well - After changing an interface from dhcp to static, the running dhclient process is not killed, so it stays in the background making mischief.
Make sure the dhclient is dead.
Shane C Branch wrote:
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On 5/2/2003 at 9:22 AM Gregory Gulik wrote:
I installed RH9 on a machine yesterday and specified a static IP address (normally I use DHCP) yet it seemed to not do that. When I booted I found the machine had obtained an IP address via DHCP.
I had to go to the Network configuration tool, turn off DHCP there and specified a static IP address and it's been fine since.
Shane C Branch wrote:
My IP address appears to be randomly changing. If I were running DHCP,this
would not be unexpected, however, eth0 is set with a statically assignedIP
address. I have checked the/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/devices/ifcfg-eth0
files, as well as the corresponding /etc/sysconfig/networking/ files.All files
report the correct entries for IP address, gateway, DNS, subnet, and soon.
However, when I run ifconfig eth0 the reported address is 9.37.a.b. Theserver
assigned address is 9.37.c.d. If I run nslookup on an MS box, the DNS
responds with the correct combination of IP and host name. This leads meto
conclude that there is an incorrect setting with my linux boxnetworking, but I
don't know where else to look.
Has anyone else seen this?
-- Greg Gulik http://www.gulik.org/greg/ greg @ gulik.org
Shrike-list mailing list
I examined the system logs and it looks like the machine is sending a DHCP request from eth0. I checked the network config tool as well, and DHCP is turned off there.