Hi! I have a dual Athlon MP 2400+ machine, M7D Master-L motherboard, 2GB of memory, 2x WD Caviar 120 GB drives and two good Zalman heat sinks/fans. I can however not get Linux to run properly in SMP mode. In UP (one processor) the machine works fine but in SMP it frezzes after a while, faster if i run larger applications on it. I'm talking 5 to 30 minutes before it hangs. I have tried all RH9 kernels, the latest RawHide kernel, the 2.4.21 kernel and 2.5.73. All work in UP but hang in SMP. I have run memtest86 3.0 for 61 hours without errors (only got through test 7 though), I have tried kernel options apm=off, noapic, mem=nopentium in different kombinations but no luck. I have the lates Award BIOS for my mobo and have tried with MPS 1.1 and 1.4, I have turned ACPI off in the BIOS, I have tried with a different video card, all to no avail. Does anybody have any suggestion for what to do next (return the mobo...?), or does anyone have the same setup as I and run it successfully? I have had this issue up for discussion at 2cpu.com http://forums.2cpu.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38520 with a lot of good advice but ufortunately not been able to solve the problem. Cheers, Björn