KDE flashes every login: "can't open /dev/dsp". That looks like this:The "c" means "character special" -- it's one of two types of device file.
crw------- 1 frankk root 14, 3 Jan 30 02:24 /dev/dsp
(I don't know what the "c" means) I haven't tried to chmod this.
The audio, mixer, etc have the same ACLs.
lspci tells me I have a Creative SB Live that needs the EMU10k1X driver:So far so good.
02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs [SB Live! Value] EMU10k1X
I built the driver module and installed it inWhy? It's already there isn't it?
/lib/modules/2.4.20-6/kernel/drivers/sound/emu10k1/ as emu10k1.o
I added "alias sound emu10k1" to /etc/modules.conf. That line shows up inAhh. This is probably where you are going wrong. To check just do
modprobe --showconfig.
modprobe emu19k1
(as root), run "dmesg | tail" and check for error messages. I forget what the driver reports if everything is OK, I think it's silent (I can't check at the moment, sorry). Now run
aumix -q
which will either report a set of mixer settings or say "/dev/...: no such device" (or something like that). If all is well then you just need to change your /etc/modules.conf. It should say
alias sound-slot-0 emu10k1
which is what this is trying to tell you:
Jun 15 19:25:10 frankk-server1 modprobe: modprobe:
Can't locate module sound-slot-0
Jun 15 19:25:10 frankk-server1 modprobe: modprobe:
Can't locate module sound-service-0-0