Greetings list, I'm trying to run VNC between two machines on my local network but I cannot start vncserver on the server machine:- [root@xxxx bin]# service vncserver start Starting VNC server: 1:nick [FAILED] In /var/log/messages I can see: Apr 29 13:04:01 dell vncserver: vncserver start failed I've modified /etc/sysconfig/vncservers to include VNCSERVERS="1:nick" Server is up2date rh9.0 and vncserver is vnc-server-3.3.3r2-47 from the rh9 distro. There is no firewall on either machine. I'm not getting any clues about why vncserver will not start and the man page is a bit brief - does anyone have any pointers on where to look? tia nick@xxxxxxxx