I need to configure apache with some sort of user authentication, so that the web site it will serve can be accessed only by a specified group. I have read through the apache documentation, but I don't quite see how to do this in the exact manner that I would prefer. Basically, I need the website to be password protected, and I want apache to authenticate users with the same username/password information that authenticates user log on in general. In other words, I want to have a common system password and apache password for each user. So far, it seems that I can have group or user authentication, but it looks like apache wants a set of these files for itself. I don't have any desire to maintain a password/group file for 100+ users. I heard that there might be a module that allows one to do this, but I haven't had any luck locating any information on that. What is the best way to accomplish this task? regards, shane.