-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Sunday 20 April 2003 12:35 am, Dan Barnes wrote: > Does anyone know where the documentation > is that tells what directories fonts can > be stored for use with X? > > When I put the fonts in: > "/usr/share/fonts/local/TrueType" > I get an error when I start up X. > > If I put the fonts in: > "/usr/share/fonts/local" > I do not get an error when I start up X. [...] Font setup is covered pretty well in the release notes. /usr/share/doc/redhat-release-9/RELEASE-NOTES-i386 See /etc/fonts/fonts.conf for pre configured locations. [..] > mkdir -p ${FONTDIR} > cp /tmp/fonts/*.ttf ${FONTDIR} > ttmkfdir -d ${FONTDIR} -o ${FONTDIR}/fonts.scale > /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir ${FONTDIR} > mkfontdir ${FONTDIR} > fc-cache ${FONTDIR} > chkfontpath -a ${FONTDIR} If you are trying to install true type font's and want what Microsoft formerly made available as"Microsoft's Core fonts for the Web", you can use this package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/font-tool/ Just install the corefonts and cabextract packages, run '/usr/X11R6/bin/core_font_install.sh' and the fonts will be installed and setup. The fonts are installed in /usr/share/fonts/truetype. Hope that helps, - -- - -Michael pgp key: http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/gpgkey.txt Red Hat Linux 7.{2,3}|8.0 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/ - -- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE+oipVn/07WoAb/SsRAutTAKCf8kssjgPciYg+POlQES8EB8jhOQCfXTmS 93F4UTywlx8Bc5lYTcNb6+Y= =jaUp -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----