Install issues

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Just installed rh9, no real surprises yet except for my
XF86Config seems a bit of a mess.
I have a dual head matrox G450 that worked fine in 8.0
but I am experiencing odd behavior for now.

The mouse config was strange and I needed to run redhat-config-mouse
to regain control of it after the installation. Works fine now.

When installing I experienced a crash midway through disk 2 but then
all was well when I ran the install again.

The install did not pick up my Intel RAID controller and I changed this
for an Adaptec SCSI card instead.

The menu bar of the default window manager loses all its icons at random times.

looks like wu-ftpd has been removed in favour of vs-ftpd, this is maybe good.

I now have a hardware problem with my tv capture card as I mentioned I had
to substitute the RAID controller for a SCSI card and now I have a conflict :/

other than these few items, the install went well, everything is as it should be.
oh, the sendmail config files needed to be touched to correct the timestamps as this
generated a warning at boot.

Was hoping for some new games :/

Kind regards

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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia

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