================================================================== This message was posted as a talkback at /news_story.php3?ltsn=2003-04-12-002-26-RV-RH-SW ================================================================== <p>THE most anoying problem for brazilian users is about <b>how a cedilla is composed using US-International keyboards</b>. We have been using acute+c to get a ç and acute+C to get a Ç for a long time, I mean <b>since windows 95 was introduced</b> (at least), on the linux side <blink>I tried RH 8.0 and it worked great.</blink> I\'m still wondering what could have happened to a new version of linux become worst than the previous one (this is becoming very Micro$oft like).</p> <p>This a very important issue for us, because more than a half of brazilian computers use this kind of keyboard layout.</p> <p>In addition, I\'m very curious to know in which languages a letter \"C\" can be used with an acute accent.</p> <p>If you have any clues on <b>how to make Shrike BAHAVE like Psyche</b>, please write to shrike-list@xxxxxxxxxxx</p> ------------------------------------------------------------------