Yes there is a workaround to fix this problem. Manually start the applet and then logout of your Gnome session and click the "Save current setup" checkbox. Next time when you log in, the applet should be there. On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 11:52, Ben Russo wrote: > The little round button that has three appearances: > red with a white exclamation mark > green with opossite facing white horizontal arrows > blue with a white check mark. > that shows up in your Gnome/KDE menu bar.... > > On my system it showed up the first time I logged in. > Then I ran the rhn_register, and ran up2date, and > played around for a while and it disappeared. > > It doesn't show up when I reboot the system or when > I log out and back in to X-windows. > > I can restart it from the start menu, and it will stay there > for a while, but it eventually disappears again.... > > I had this same problem under RedHat 8.0, and finally > just gave up on the stupid applet, > > But it is a nice feature.... > Anybody know if there is a simple way to fix it? > Or at least know what the problem is? > > -Ben. > > > > >