Re: What does Red Hat say on Perl/UTF-8 problems?

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On Sat, Mar 22, 2003 05:02:47 at 05:02:47AM -0500, Joe Klemmer (klemmerj@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> 	Was there supposed to be something attached tho this message?
Yes, of course, here it goes now. Sorry for forgetting it the first
time. Try it on your system, and let us know.

		Marco Fioretti
Marco Fioretti                 m.fioretti, at the server
Red Hat for low memory

Real Programmers don't play tennis, or any other sport that requires
you to change clothes.  Mountain climbing is OK, and real programmers
wear their climbing boots to work in case a mountain should suddenly
spring up in the middle of the machine room.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output
use strict;

my %Dirsize;
my %Kids;

getdots(my $topdir = input());

# run du, read in input, save sizes and kids
# return last directory (file?) read
sub input { 
    my($size, $name, $parent);
    @ARGV = ("du @ARGV |");         # prep the arguments
    while (<>) {                    # magic open is our friend
        ($size, $name) = split;
        $Dirsize{$name} = $size;
        ($parent = $name) =~ s#/[^/]+$##;   # dirname
        push @{ $Kids{$parent} }, $name unless eof;
    return $name;

# figure out how much is taken up in each directory
# that isn't stored in subdirectories.  add a new
# fake kid called "." containing that much.
sub getdots {
    my $root = $_[0];
    my($size, $cursize);
    $size = $cursize = $Dirsize{$root};
    if ($Kids{$root}) {
        for my $kid (@{ $Kids{$root} }) { 
            $cursize -= $Dirsize{$kid};
    if ($size != $cursize) {
        my $dot = "$root/.";
        $Dirsize{$dot} = $cursize;
        push @{ $Kids{$root} }, $dot;

# recursively output everything,
# passing padding and number width in as well
# on recursive calls
sub output {
    my($root, $prefix, $width) = (shift, shift || '', shift || 0);
    my $path;
    ($path = $root) =~ s#.*/##;     # basename
    my $size = $Dirsize{$root};
    my $line = sprintf("%${width}d %s", $size, $path);
    print $prefix, $line, "\n";
    for ($prefix .= $line) {        # build up more output
        s/\d /| /;
        s/[^|]/ /g;
    if ($Kids{$root}) {             # not a bachelor node
        my @Kids = @{ $Kids{$root} };
        @Kids = sort { $Dirsize{$b} <=> $Dirsize{$a} } @Kids;
        $Dirsize{$Kids[0]} =~ /(\d+)/;
        my $width = length $1;
        for my $kid (@Kids) { output($kid, $prefix, $width) }

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