I am using RH8 on three boxes. Because I use some softeware that
needs a completely configured kernel, I usually install the kernel
sources, make sure that the symlinks in /usr/src point to the
correct places do
make mrproper
make xconfig
make dep
make clean
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
make install
The I configure, make and install the software (free-swan and wlan-ng).
If everything works and is stable for a few weeks, I do an rpm -e of
the old kernel.
Well, on one box I decided to try a vanilla 2.4.20. Everything went
just fine, except that now I cannot do rpm -e kernel-2.4.18-19.8.0.
Redhat complains that it is needed.
Hmmm. Ok, so Redhat doesn't know about 2.4.20, so I cannot remove
Is this correct, or am I my usually clueless self?
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