what kernel are you running?
At 08:44 PM 2/16/2003 -0500, you wrote:
Dimitri Deserranno wrote:
> I didn't think of faulty memory since the old memory used to work just
> fine. And now I am running with the new memory only. Only when I add
> the old back to it I seem to have issues.
In my experience, OLD is bad for memory. The connectors starts to errode and
the contact between the Mobo and memory stick starts going bad. Once that
starts happening, an eraser and some contact cleaner does wonders :)
> Just downloaded memtest86-3.0.iso
That will show hardware problems with memory.
Btw. I'm running RH8 with 2GB on a dual Xeon - there are no memory problems
at all.
Best Regards
Peter Larsen
Psyche-list mailing list
Dimitri Deserranno, PhD candidate
Department of Biomedical Engineering - Case Western Reserve University
Email: dimitri.deserranno@cwru.edu
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine - Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Phone: (216) 444 - 5315
Email: deserrd@ccf.org