Anne Possoz wrote:
You might want to check out Keychain:Can someone tell me where to call the ssh-agent from when using a default run level of 5. I usually use run level 3 and place the required commands in .xinitrc in my home directory, but I have found that using run level 5 this file is not used.The sshd daemon is set to run at runlevel 5 by using the chkconfig command as so: chkconfig --level 5 sshd on By the way: chkconfig --level 35 sshd on will get it to run at levels 3 and 5 by default.That's not what Neil is talking about. He wants to start ssh-agent, thus have a window pop up to enter the pass phrase.If I understand well Neil query, here is what I do. I edit /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients file and add the following lines at the beginning of the file: # patch /etc/X11/xinit/Xclient for SSH --------------------------- if [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" -a -x /usr/bin/ssh-agent ] then exec /usr/bin/ssh-agent $0 ${1+"$@"} < /dev/null fi if [ -r $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa ] then /usr/bin/ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa < /dev/null elif [ -r $HOME/.ssh/identity ] then /usr/bin/ssh-add $HOME/.ssh/identity < /dev/null fi # end of patch for ssh -------------------------------------------- This works for gnome and kde. Very usefull if frequent ssh connections to remote accounts are needed.
A cool and easy bash script that handles some of the complexities of ssh-agent gracefully.
Best Regards,
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