Donald G Wilson Jr wrote:
----JD Wrote:
Hallo list,
What is the name of RH8's USB daemon? Or how can we uninstall this daemon?
I prefer usbmgr daemon. Much better, controlable & less erratic. Moreover &
more importantly: it allows me to play music from my NTFS drive (an 80GB
NTFS drive where I put everything). RH8 only reads & copy things from NTFS
file system; but it doesn't play anything from there. I've tried it in some
ways but still doesn't work.
You know, the bottom line is simply because RH doesn't want to interfere
with the proprietary nature of M$'$ NTFS.
Well, I don't know the answer to your question really, but I don't think
the problem is USB related if you are reading the drive. When you say
music, do you mean *mp3's?
mp3 support is not in RH 8. I use the xmms that came w/ RH8 along w/ a
plugin for mp3 capability for xmms.
as for NTFS, as far as I know, Linux doesn't really support NTFS, let
alone RH8. Things may be different about this though, as it has been
some time since i've been around any M$ equipment.
Well, I don't know the answer to your question really, but I don't think
the problem is USB related if you are reading the drive. When you say
music, do you mean *mp3's?
mp3 support is not in RH 8. I use the xmms that came w/ RH8 along w/ a
plugin for mp3 capability for xmms.
as for NTFS, as far as I know, Linux doesn't really support NTFS, let
alone RH8. Things may be different about this though, as it has been
some time since i've been around any M$ equipment.
----JD wrote
About that NTFS, it's true that Linux still cannot write it; but we can
execute and write. This 'execute' might sound strange. But, let me show you
a folder from my 'Jacques Brel'...:)
[root@localhost xuenzhi]# cd /mnt/maxtor/mymusiclibrary/french/brel/
[root@localhost brel]# ls -oa
total 0
dr-x------ 1 root 16384 10月 11 21:03 .
dr-x------ 1 root 4096 11月 5 09:01 ..
-r-------- 1 root 3168256 8月 5 1999 Amsterdam.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 3000320 8月 5 1999 Au suivant.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 2865152 8月 5 2001 Bruxelles.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 4483072 8月 5 1999 Ces gens la.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 1755136 8月 5 1999 Grand Jacques.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 4585472 8月 5 1999 J'arrive.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 3483648 8月 5 1999 Jef.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 3274752 8月 5 1999 La chanson de
-r-------- 1 root 4319232 8月 5 1999 La chanson des vieux
-r-------- 1 root 2551808 8月 5 1999 La quete.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 3719168 8月 5 1999 La valse ? mille
-r-------- 1 root 3317760 8月 5 1999 Le dernier repas.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 2981888 8月 5 2001 Le Moribond.mp3
-r-------- 1 root 2607104 8月 5 1999 Le plat pays.mp3
See, the folder has an r-x but the files got nothing exect r--. I believe it
must be r-x as well for me to be able to play them. I did it many times
earlier many other Linux distros, but am still struggling with RH8. With
NTFS, we also can't chmod or chown the files. And we'd better not as well
before we start to screw up the files and really lose anything.
To be honest with you, I myself still don't know precisely where the real
problem is. I need to read the book again, I guess...:) But since RH's xmms
also has too many issues with this RH on my machine, I then already removed
it completely and am planning to install my "own" xmms that plays midi so
beautifully (with guspat), oggvorbis, mp3 & mpeg as soon as I have time to
tinker around with all the nasty -- as usual -- "dependencies"...:) Now, I
simply use the simple but powerful mpg321 for music.
But, the problem with this mpg321 is I need to login as a certain user,
otherwise I get this message:
[root@localhost brel]# mpg321 Amsterdam.mp3
/tmp/mcop-xuenzhi is not owned by user
if I use it as a different user (in this case as root). Being another normal
user also doesn't help, like:
[jd@localhost lagus]$ mpg321 La\ chanson\ des\ vieux\ amans.mp3
No default libao driver available.
So now, it seems that I need to login as root and be under root to be able
to play my mp3s from that NTFS. Really not a nice idea.
PS- Last i knew, M$ still doesn't fully support NTFS, (you can change to
fat, but not back or something like that), so i wouldn't be to hard on
the rest of the world for it. LOL
if none of this has helped you in any way, sorry, i guess i totally
misunderstood your problem.
--------JD wrote
I may have wrongly described it as well...:) Anyway, see this dmesg after I
mounted NTFS:
NTFS driver v1.1.22 [Flags: R/O MODULE]
Attached scsi disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
SCSI device sda: 156355584 512-byte hdwr sectors (80054 MB)
sda: sda1 < sda5 >
NTFS: Warning! NTFS volume version is Win2k+: Mounting read-only
NTFS: Unicode name contains a character that cannot be converted to chosen
character set. Remount with utf8 encoding and this should work.
NTFS: Unicode name contains a character that cannot be converted to chosen
character set. Remount with utf8 encoding and this should work.
Well, it seems the resolution for my NTFS problem is promising enough as
soon as I can remount it with utf8 encoding; but I still don't know what the
hell that is...:(
But as I said, I do 'suspect' that this all have to do with the USB daemon
itself. In Kondara Linux or SuSE, the system used usbmgr daemon -- and I
could play the mp3. RH8 uses a different kind of USB daemon; and I really
think that it is the main part of my problem here.
However, as always with Linux..., we always have problems and problems all
the time just to come out better understanding the machine & the system
itself. That's why we still use it, no...:)
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