Re: Procmail

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On Sat, Dec 21, 2002 at 02:06:45PM +0100, Michael Schwendt wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> # Duplicate filter: Stores 256k of message-id headers.
> :0Whc:msgid.lock
> | formail -D 262144 msgid.cache
>   :0a:
>   /dev/null

Part of the idea of first copying to msgid.cache is that you can
then also write the file to another mail folder. You can simplify
the recipe slightly if you are just going to toss the duplicate to
/dev/null. As the procmailex man page states:

The following simple recipe eliminates duplicate mails. It tells
formail to keep an 8KB cache file in which it will store the
Message-IDs of the most recent mails you received. Since Message-IDs
are guaranteed to be unique for every new mail, they are ideally
suited to weed out duplicate mails. Simply put the following recipe
at the top of your rcfile, and no duplicate mail will get past it.

:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

Beware if you have delivery problems in recipes below this one and
procmail tries to requeue the mail, then on the next queue run, this
mail will be considered a duplicate and will be thrown away. For
those not quite so confident in their own scripting capabilities,
you can use the following recipe instead. It puts duplicates in a
separate folder instead of throwing them away. It is up to you to
periodically empty the folder of course.

:0 Whc: msgid.lock
| formail -D 8192 msgid.cache

:0 a:

Jim Kaufman
Linux Evangelist	cell: 612-481-9778		
public key 0x6D802619	fax:  952-937-9832

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