I'm using RHL 8 for a few weeks on a SMP machine. Gnome 2 used to load
in approx. 10 seconds after logging in with GDM. Since a few days this
takes approx. 5 minutes: after starting Gnome 2 the "Metacity" icon pops
up, then several minutes nothing (noticeable) happens (e.g. no hdd
activity); after this, the start-process continues and finishes
successfully after a few seconds. This delay doese *not* exist when
stating KDE or another Window Manger like WindowMaker and was *not*
there after upgrading from RHL 7.3 to 8.0, but I can't remember what I
might have changed to cause this.
Can anyone please point me to information how to track down what
happens? As I understand the start-process of the "Bluecurve" UI, the X
Server has finished loading, started the Window Manager Metacity, so the
problem is either related to Metacity or the next thing which is being
loaded after the Window Manager, right? Is there a log file or something
where I can possibly find debugging information?
Thanks in advance,
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