A very confusing dual boot problem.

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I will describe the problem but first a question. We know that the first
sector on the first disk is the MBR is found a boot loader and the
partition table. One assumes that that the OS starts in cylinder 1. What
is stored in the rest of the cylinder 0 other than the MBR?

Now the problem. We install Linux and W2k on a Dell machine. The Linux
runs. Now we boot the W2k. W2k has a disk manager program which allows
you to see what W2k thinks about the structure of the disk, When the
program is run it tells us that the Linux partition is Fat 32. We reboot
the machine and find that the Linux is ruined. In will not boot and the
disk seems to be written over by W2K.

Now we have done this about several 100 times over the years and this has
not happened before. Nor does it happen on other machines.

Can someone suggest where to look for an answer? Can anyone confirm an
impression that w2k keep a separate partition table that it uses, and if
so where is it located?
Aaron Konstam
Computer Science
Trinity University
715 Stadium Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

telephone: (210)-999-7484

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