Re: kde fans

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>Subject: Re: Calling all KDE fans!!
>On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Aaron Konstam wrote:
>=>It is offical; according to a survey in Linux Journal KDE is prefered
>=>over GNOME. Well explain how to do the following which ios easy in Gnome
>=>in KDE. I want to have an icon on the panel at the bottom of the screen
>=>that will launch an Xterm (or any arboitrary program for that matter).
>=>How is this done? I tried for 1 hour yesterday and failed.
>I went through the same hell myself. :-)
>Right click on the panel and hit Add -> Special Button. From there you can 
>tell the button to be an xterm and you can assign any icon you want.
>-Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have -
>-happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ
>-Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all-
>-individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
KDE rocks.
Even I, a clueless newbie with only 8 months Linux experience can configure it, including adding programs to program menus or the panel.
I could probably take my brain out and use KDE.  Practically designed for spoiled doze users.
I for one, being an English teacher and not a tech-god, appreciate the userfiendliness of KDE and Psyche.  Not that Gnome is bad. 
You don;t even have to right click the redhat (although that works). One can simply right click on the panel.  A menu comes up, choose add and a program menu comes up. Choose add a button, then, Simply find the program that you want.

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