Re: PLEASE READ THIS (was: Re: True type fonts in mozilla./evolution)

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On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Joe Klemmer wrote:

>> Maybe a bit off topic here but how about a FAQ or something like SuSE's
>> SDB? They may fall behind on the quality of their distro but I found a
>> couple of good solutions from their documentation though. It appears to
>> me that RH seems to target the mature user from the nature of this list,
>> however RedHat seems to embrace the not-so-technical-user with the
>> recent changes in 8.0.
>	A FAQ is a good idea.  Who would like to try and make one?
>	There's one thing to remember about this list, and just about all
>others...  Red Hat is not targeting or supporting or in any way
>responsible for anything related to the content of these lists.  This list
>is a _USER_TO_USER_ support list.  If you see anyone with a
>email address in here they are likely posting _ON_THERE_OWN_TIME_ and as a
>volunteer effort.  If anyone finds the support in the lists lacking then
>they should step up and try to fill the gap somehow.  Like maintaining a
>FAQ or maybe posting an occasional email with the collected information
>from the list (like links and such).  This is something I wish I could do 
>but my disability makes it very difficult to type (and often just read 

If someone does create an FAQ, please please please please 
please, for the love of God, make it a _real_ true FAQ.  In other 
words, make it a document full of absolutely positively truely 
_FREQUENTLY_ asked questions.

All too often people create FAQ's with a lot of vim and vigor, 
and instead of merely documenting _FREQUENTLY_ asked questions, 
they go on the hunt for questions to add to their FAQ, often 
making them huge bloated piles of random questions that sometimes 
are just questions one single person asked once 10 months ago, 

If I were making an FAQ, I would keep it as small as possible, 
otherwise nobody will read it generally.  Only add questions to 
it once they've been asked an insanely large number of times to 
the point where if you see the question again, you're going to 
want to hunt someone down and ...  well, you get the point.

Otherwise, the document isn't an FAQ, but rather just an AQ.

/me on endless pursuit, trying to keep the "F" in FAQ

Mike A. Harris OS Systems Engineer
XFree86 maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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