I have the following two scripts (below) that I've gotten a bit confused with. What I want to do is dump a daily log of the router ip accounting into a text file for that day. The bash script 'runlog' runs the expect scripts 'commands'. If I run '#expect commands' I get the output I want. If I run 'runlog' the process runs through once and then stop responding, and doesn't iterate. I ended up writing the runlog script because a cron job for 'expect commands >> logfile' did not run, but did create the file. I'm a bit lost and a nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. #!/bin/bash today=/logs/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)$1.log #echo Starting Router log... expect -f /root/commands >> $today echo Completed router log for $today. Sleeping for 10 minutes. sleep 10m exec /root/runlog #!/usr/bin/expect -f spawn telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx send "xxxxxx\r" send "en\r" send "xxxxxx\r" wait -nowait send "term len 0\r" send "sh ip accou\r" wait -nowait send "clear ip acco\r" wait -nowait send "exit\r" interact -- Psyche-list mailing list Psyche-list@redhat.com https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/psyche-list