Hello, please cen you help me? I am experiencing problems with gnome-terminal and other applications which use GTK and I don't know where is some kind of bugzilla for this. I have set Czech locales for example for gnome-terminal in RH 8.0 (export LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8 LC_ALL=cs_CZ.UTF-8; gnome-terminal), but I am not able to enter all hyphenated characters from keyboard like Ř(Shift-+ R) or Ě(Shift-+ E). It is also strange I can write some of theese characters directly when I have czech keyboard set and press 6 it writes ě (Shift-+ e) correctly, but "Shift-+ e" only beeps. I am not experiencing this problem in other than gtk applications so it is not a matter of keyboard or environment settings. Qt, mozilla, openofficeorg - theese all are OK. Please can you tell me the right place where to report this bug? Or is there any solution like recompile gtk? thank you for your advice Michal Ambroz ______________________________________________________________________ Reklama: Jake bude pocasi? http://pocasi.seznam.cz