Re: several RH 8.0 questions....

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Title: RE: several RH 8.0 questions....
Man pages appear fine for me when I am on my system locally.  However, when I SSH into the system using putty.exe all the dashes appear as �.  I'm learning vietnamese on the weekend (long story) and thought I had done something to my system in my sleep for awhile.  Changing the translation setting in putty from "ISO-8859-15:1999 (Latin-9, "euro")" to "UTF-8" caused them all to turn into ‐ characters... Not sure what is going on, but I think that it is font/locale related.  When I do 'man rpm' I see one dash near the top then all other dashes look as a block as I said.  Dashes on the command line look fine so it looks strictly related to the (formatting of) man pages...  I am completely ignorant when it comes to font/locale type stuff so I'm not equipped to say what might be the problem.  I'm usually just happy that all my dashes slashes alphas and numerics appear as they should....  unfortunately at this time they are not quite...
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: several RH 8.0 questions....

What language(s) did you install on the machine with the strange man page characters?

Up2date was a little slow for me, too, but I simply waited patiently and I was able to update my fetchmail package. Heavy server loading can make it seem to "not launch" or "hang".

Were you the root user when you attempted upgrading Mozilla? You must be root when using rpm.

How did you get the Mozilla packages?

What were the exact RPM incantations you used for Mozilla? For example:

rpm -Fvh mozilla*rpm

You are not really giving much detail, we need more.  Next time consider copying the messages from rpm and pasting them into your post.

Robert L. Cochran

-----Original Message-----
From: Wade Hampton []
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: several RH 8.0 questions....

I love RedHat 8.0 and have installed it on 2 laptops (updates)
and one desktop (fresh install).  However, it's not without its
glitches.  I have several questions for the list:

1.  Man pages have strange characters in them. 

  After doing an install of 8.0, man (e.g., man man)
  displays the man page with occasional a^ (^ over the a)
  symbols and the "-"s are missing.  Is this a LOCALE issue?
  I do not see this problem on my laptop (RH 7.3 updated to 8.0).

2.   Can't launch up2date.

  On my laptop, while logged in as a user, I tried to launch up2date.
  I got the prompt for the root PW, entered it then nothing happened.
  I tried to launch it from an xterm, logged in as root; up2date seems
  to hang.  From the root login, up2date-nox seemed to hang as well.

3.  RPM hung for all operations until reboot.

  Yesterday on a desktop, I tried loading mozilla 1.1.  The RPM hung.
  I killed it.  I tried doing queries, installs, --rebuilddb, etc.  Each
  hung.  I finally tried the **Windows (C)(R) Microsoft ** solution of
  reboot and upon login, rpm worked fine and I could update Mozilla.

A reply with suggestions/fixes would be most welcomed.
Wade Hampton

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