Re: XFree86-SVGA-3.3.6...rpm equivalent for XFree86-4.2.0? (RH8.0 install)

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Hi again,

responding to my own message :-/

On Friday, March 21, 2003, at 10:50 AM, Lachlan Deck wrote:

My understanding is that XFree86-SVGA is no longer part of the XFree86 4.x product.

Could someone please advise me on how to set things up?

When I had RH7.1 (and also after updating this with the latest rpm available for that distribution from I had a very similar problem which was fixed by downloading & installing XFree86-SVGA-3.3.6-38.i386.rpm and consequently running "Xconfigurator --kickstart" as root and then rebooting.

But I'm not sure what can be done within RH8.0 with the XFree86-4.2.0 install to get a similar result? The Display tool correctly probes my video card but I still get checkered backgrounds with various apps and windows...(e.g., Gnome menus and backgrounds are fine, KDE menus are all checkered, OpenOffice and various apps are unreadable!)

I've got a little further...I found the following page ( that outlines some of the options that can be set to troubleshoot using Cirrus Logic Cards.

So I have from the Display tool selected the card Cirrus Logic GD543x with memory size 2Mb using the cirrus driver.

One of the options "noaccel" does the trick of stopping all the checkered display. However, this works fine for 256 Colors, but anything higher and redrawing is _painfully_ slow. It would be nice if this option could be eliminated from the equation so that I could enjoy some nicer graphics...

So I can at least get work done now, but my question is: Is this a bug in the cirrus driver?

Thanks muchly (for a reply even :-)


- The video card
(the output from SuperProbe from when I had 7.1 installed)...
root > SuperProbe
First video: Super-VGA
     Chipset: Cirrus CL-GD5430/40 (PCI Probed)
     Memory: 2048 Kbytes (Huge!)
     RAMDAC: Cirrus Logic Built-in 15/16/24-bit DAC
      (with 6-bit wide loopkup tables (or in 6-bit mode))

with regards,

Lachlan Deck

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