On Thu, 20 Jun 2002, Michael Fratoni wrote: > If you've registered for Red Hat network, updating both should be trivial. > You'll need to check the configuration for up2date, as by default the > kernel updates are ignored. 'up2date --configure --nox' should do the > trick. > > Once properly configured, run 'up2date -u kernel kernel-source' > > Or, grab the updated rpms, and > rpm -ivh kernel-2.4.18-5.?.rpm (Where ? is your arch) > rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.4.18-5.i386.rpm > > NOTE: You do not want to use the -U flag to upgrade the kernel. Using the > - -i flag installs the new kernel alongside your current kernel, leaving a > fail safe kernel to fall back on. > > The kernel rpm will add the new kernel to grub if you are using that as > your boot loader. If you are using lilo, I believe you have to add the > new kernel to /etc/lilo.conf, and then run 'lilo -v' I have registered but baulked at using up2date on the command line. Thanks for the explicit instructions. I take it that if I use up2date instead of manually downloading and installing I don't have to make the changes to lilo myself? (ie up2date updates and reconfigures lilo) Thanks. -=-=-==-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Graeme Robinson - Graenet consulting www.graenet.com - internet solutions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==---=-=--=-=-=