Any chance seeing Pure-FTPd in Rawhide? (and maybe in Red Hat proper) I'm using it instead of WU-FTPD or ProFTPD for the same reason i try to avoid Sendmail in favor of other MTAs, or Bind in favor of other nameservers: security. Pure does a lot to ensure security and, while i will agree it doesn't have the fantastic configurability of ProFTPD, it still has a wealth of nice features (one thing that made me happy in the latest release: custom external authenticators, so the sysadmin can write his own scripts to authenticate against whatever he feels like). The code looks clean, it is obvious that someone took good care to write it saner than the usual open source standards ;-). The very latest version compiles without as much as a warning on SGI's MIPSPro-, which is a very pedantic C compiler (and i have yet to find another open source project that does that). Even nicer than that, the project looks very alive. ;-) -- Florin Andrei "The security of any corporate network is inversely proportional to the number of systems administrators on the network." - - Petreley's law of sysadmins