[senux@xxxxxxxxx: patch files in redhat linux kernel.]

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Anyone help me? I forward this to RH devel list.

----- Forwarded message from Brian Lee <senux@senux.com> -----

From: Brian Lee <senux@senux.com>
To: enigma-list@redhat.com
Subject: patch files in redhat linux kernel.
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Sender: enigma-list-admin@redhat.com
Reply-To: enigma-list@redhat.com
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 17:57:05 +0900


I opened kernel source rpm and saw about 300 patch files
there. I want to know what each patch files does to linux

I tried to figure out by changelog but it is terrible for me.
I want to know info of patch files especially about VM and
swap which I heard issued to recenlt kernel.

Sorry for short English but any replying and comments will
be very helpful for me. Thank you.

----- End forwarded message -----

 ____       Brian Lee       <senux@senux.com>
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