Thanks for your useful stuff !
I'll address it a bit later..
butdiene wrote:
yes, you must be right. I had reiser4 debug option enabled in kernel config.
and it happens only after I enabled it.
I wasn't happy with reiser4 so far.
1st, after crashes, fsck.reiser4 always found lost+found, while I hoped
transaction support would result in a crash resilient fs.
What kind of crash did result in lost+found? Reiser4 panic?
I couldn't get get rid of the firefox hang problem. whenever "sync" issued,
the hdd spins for long and firefox hangs. this results in a rather slow fs.
now I have switched back to jfs. it's incredibly fast compared with what I
experienced with reiser4.
thanks a lot!
Jake Maciejewski wrote:
On Mon, 2008-01-14 at 11:43 -0800, butdiene wrote:
I got this error message reproducibly when building kernel (make). I
have the log file since kernel hangs thereafter
it happens only on my laptop but not to several other reiser4 boxes.
Are you sure it wasn't 32245? That's the one I get compiling. If I
disable debug, I don't see it, and reiser4 seems completely stable. With
debug enabled, I always hit zam-32245 eventually.
Jake Maciejewski <maciejej@xxxxxxxx>
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