Lingu, I had this same problem a few weeks back. This is how I solved it. Make sure your NIC's are at 1G. Add the following entries into your cluster.ccs file and write it to disk; heartbeat_rate = 30 allowed_misses = 4 My cluster.ccs file looks like this now; cluster { name = "alpha" lock_gulm { servers = ["server1", "server2", "server3"] heartbeat_rate = 30 allowed_misses = 4 } } This example procedure shows how to change configuration files in a CCS archive. 1. Extract configuration files from the CCA device into temporary directory /root/alpha-new/. ccs_tool extract /dev/pool/alpha_cca /root/alpha-new/ 2. Make changes to the configuration files in /root/alpha-new/. 3. Create a new CCS archive on the CCA device by using the -O (override) flag to forcibly overwrite the existing CCS archive. ccs_tool -O create /root/alpha-new/ /dev/pool/alpha_cca What you are suggesting ( cross over cable) is not supported at least in GFS 6.0 which I assume you are running with RHEL 3.0 -----Original Message----- From: redhat-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:redhat-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of lingu Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2008 7:41 AM To: General Red Hat Linux discussion list Subject: Cluster Heart Beat Using Cross Over Cable Hi, I am running two node active/passive cluster running RHEL3 update 8 64 bit OS on Hp Box with external hp storage connected via scsi. My cluster was running fine for last 3 years.But all of a sudden cluster service keep on shifting (atleast one time in a day )form one node to another. After analysed the syslog i found that due to some network fluctuation service was getting shifted.Both the nodes has two NIC bonded together and configured with below ip. My network details: --node 1 physical ip with class c subnet (bond0 ) --node 2 physical ip with class c subnet (bond0 ) --- floating ip ( cluster ) Since it is a very critical and busy server may be due to heavy network load some hear beat signal is getting missed resulting in shifting of service from one node to another. So i planned to connect crossover cable for heart beat messages, can any one guide me or provide me the link that best explains how to do the same and the changes i have to made in cluster configuration file after connecting the crossover cable. Regards, Lingu -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe