Joel Heenan wrote:
I'm building an RPM on a number of different RHEL versions. Is there
something I can include in the RPM spec file which will auto-set the
distribution name and version?
I tried:
Release: 1%{distribution}
In the spec file but this did not seem to do the trick. I'm feeling what
I'm trying to achieve is simple but I haven't found any examples yet.
create a .rpmmacros file in your home:
all in one line:
%distribution ) %(echo `cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -q '^CentOS
release 4' && echo 'el4'`)%(echo `cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -q
'^CentOS release 5' && echo 'el5'`)
you may add other systems as well
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Mag. Jürgen Zahrer
Leiter System Services
Universität Salzburg / ITServices
Hellbrunner Strasse 34
5020 Salzburg
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