I'm not an expert, but this works for me: # perl -MCPAN -e shell; Provide answers to configure... cpan> r Which gives you a list of Perl modules installed. cpan> install What::Ever Which installs whatever Perl modules you want. -----Original Message----- From: redhat-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:redhat-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Mad Unix Sent: 11 January 2008 15:49 To: General Red Hat Linux discussion list Subject: Perl Am looking to install the following listed Perl modules related to my qmail / postfix server (RHEL5 64bit the list of Perl modules related to SpamAssassin on the systems what would be the best way to install them? Bundle::NetSNMP Test::Harness CPAN ExtUtils::CBuilder ExtUtils::MakeMaker Cwd File::Temp List::Util Test::Simple Digest::SHAest::SHA File::HomeDir Compress::Raw::Zlib IO::Compress::Base IO::Compress::Zlib Compress::Zlib IO::Zlib Archive::Tar Archive::Zip Net Term::ReadKey Term::ReadLine YAML Text::Glob File::Which HTML::Tagsetset HTML::Parser LWP Net::IP Digest::SHA1est::SHA1 Digest::HMACest::HMAC Net::DNS Pod::Escapes Pod::Simple Test::Pod Digest::BubbleBabbleest: :BubbleBabble Module::Signaturenature Time::HiRes Parse::Syslog Statistics::Distributions PAR::Dist IO::Stringyy Net::Ident IP::Country Sys::Hostname::Long Net::CIDR::Lite Mail::SPF::Query Mail::SpamAssassin CDB_File Thanks -- madunix -- madunix -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list