Please don't hijack other threads. On Tue, 15 May 2007, sylvan dacounha wrote:
1) i have a REDhat 9 server . i need to upgrade it with CENTOS OS cd i upgrade to CENTOS without loosing any data i have separate partions .. i dont wanna harm the data n var partitions but my / , /root , /usr , /opt, /usr/local ..
Not possible. RH9 is old old old; if there was an upgrade path, you'd have to go through about a billion intermediate steps and would accrue an incredible amount of cruft in the process. Backup and reinstall.
2) cd i make a disk ghost of my redhat linux HDD so i can make HDD and keep it as spare and if the working HDD fails i jus replace with the ghost HDD swich the machine ON aand its up and running this machine will be used as a DNS Server only so data not problem
Put both disks in the machine and boot off a rescue CD. Assuming your master is /dev/hda and your spare is /dev/hdb, you should be able to do: dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb Note that the drives must be _identical_ for that to work. The better solution is to use kickstart and configuration management (Cfengine, Puppet, bcfg2, etc.) to ensure that you have a fully replicatable build process and keep things identical and replicatable from the beginning, rather than trying to bolt on redundancy later. When a hard drive dies in one of our machines, we just install a new one and rebuild from bare metal; it takes us about 20-30 minutes most of the time. Chris St. Pierre Unix Systems Administrator Nebraska Wesleyan University ---------------------------- LOPSA Sysadmin Days: Professional Training for Professional SysAdmins August 6-7, Cherry Hill, NJ -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe