Re: RHEL3 missing library

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Michael Scully wrote:
	Been through several hours of troubleshooting with a very skilled
RedHat engineer, and he's baffled.  The packages seem to yak on PHP issues,
which in turn seem to be lib related.  I'll keep you posted on how things
resolve.  Thanks for the feedback.
PHP? Arrghghgh.... That's what we're using at work, and for myself and 
the other sysadmin, it's a royal pain: we have to compile it, since *NO* 
rpm builds it with java enabled, and there's a corporate piece that's 
java that has to be called. I also *LOATHE* that it scatters its files 
in completely non-standard places, such as php.ini *not* being in /etc, 
but in /usr/local/lib, of all places (that is, when I've built it in 
The other thing with rpm's is that some seem to be badly coded, so that 
if you have a *newer* library, it bitches and moans.

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