Hi all, First of all, sorry for the long post. A colleague of mine was performing some maintenance tests on our *nix network when he noticed that there are variable speeds when copying to and from Linux servers. As a bit of background, we have a mixed Windows/*nix network with Sun and Linux workstation connections going over a corporate network. The speeds listed here are for a 320MB file going across various networks. sun1 is a Sun Blade 150 with an IDE drive on a 100MB corporate network (Solaris 8) sun2 is a Sun Blade 2000 with an FC-AL disk in a different location over the 100MB corporate network (Solaris 9) lin1 is a HPXW4300 workstation with a 10000rpm SCSI disk and is on a dedicated 1GB Linux network with a 100MB link to the corporate network. (RHEL 4 WS U2) lin2 is another HP XW4300 workstation with a 15k rpm SCSI disk and is on the same network as lin1. (RHEL 4 WS U2) The 'From' and 'To' columns give the names of the systems that the disks are attached to. 'Using' tells us what system the command is being run on and the rest of the table is fairly self explanatory. Note that the time taken to "pull" the file from a remote system to the local system is substantially lower on the Linux systems than the corresponding "push" to a remote system. Our question is, why is there such a great time difference depending upon what you are doing with the file (push or pull) and why does an ftp push (lin06 to lin05 using lin06) take 4 seconds compared to a 'cp' taking 995 seconds? Is this normal behaviour or is there a way we can tweak the systems. (Using NFS over the network with no tweaking yet). Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Andrew Time taken to copy a 320MB file. From To Using Time Rate Network ==== == ===== ==== ==== ======= Local copies (elapsed secs) Mb/s Mb/s ------------ work1 work1 sun1 13 197 - work2 work2 sun2 8 320 - worklin1 worklin1 lin1 4 640 - worklin2 worklin2 lin2 2 1280 - Remote copies ------------- work1 work1 sun2 111 23 100 work1 work1 lin2 70 37 1000 worklin2 worklin2 sun1 994 3 1000 worklin2 worklin2 lin1 1329 2 1000 Network copies (push) --------------------- work2 worklin2 sun2 844 3 100 work1 worklin2 sun1 936 3 1000 worklin2 worklin2 lin2 995 3 1000 worklin2 work1 lin2 35 73 1000 work1 work2 sun1 39 66 100 work2 work1 sun2 34 75 100 Network copies (pull) --------------------- work2 worklin2 lin2 32 80 100 work1 worklin2 lin2 32 80 1000 worklin2 worklin1 lin1 4 640 1000 worklin2 work1 sun1 67 37 1000 work1 work2 sun2 46 56 100 work2 work1 sun1 56 46 100 ftp === worklin2 worklin1 lin2 4 640 1000 worklin1 worklin2 lin2 3 960 1000 ********************************************************************** AMEC Nuclear Holdings Limited (no. 3725076), AMEC NNC Limited (no. 1120437), National Nuclear Corporation Limited (no. 2290928), STATS-NNC Limited (no. 4339062) and Technica-NNC Limited (no. 235856). The registered office of each company is at Booths Park, Chelford Road, Knutsford, Cheshire WA16 8QZ except for Technica-NNC Limited whose registered office is at Citygate, Altens Farm Road, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, AB12 3LB. AMEC NNC's head office and principal address is Booths Park and the switchboard number is 01565 633800. The AMEC NNC website is www.amecnnc.com Any request, advice, information or opinion in this message which does not relate to the business of any of the above companies is not authorised by any of the above companies. Where this message does so relate, it is sent by the relevant company (as above) and is confidential and intended for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. The content is subject to contract and, unless so stated, does not form part of any contract. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the AMEC NNC system manager by email at eadm@xxxxxxxxxxxx ********************************************************************** -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list