Re: PPPoE for RH 7.3

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I can understand that.  Thank god for the fedora legacy project or I'd have
to upgrade my router box at home.  Something I've been putting off for a
good year now.

Next OS this thing gets is going to be CentOS so I don't have to worry about
security patches. . .

On 5/16/06, Burke, Thomas G. <tg.burke@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I am still running 6.3, because I did not want to do a full system
upgrade, then have to learn iptables.  I am running ipchains, and have
my box locked down just about as well as can be done.  For a
file/print/internet server, I saw no reason to upgrade, and still do

-----Original Message-----
From: redhat-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:redhat-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Russell Harrison
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 1:15 AM
To: General Red Hat Linux discussion list
Subject: Re: PPPoE for RH 7.3

Out of curiosity, what is preventing you from updating it?

Not have the time to do the update is a totally valid answer.  I'm just
trying to understand what are the things keeping people on really old
releases in general.  I know 7.3 was solid as a rock but its pretty out
of date.  From the number of machines that keep popping up running 7.3
there must be some good reasons for sticking with it.

On 5/16/06, Matthew Saltzman <mjs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My DSL provider is changing from bridged to PPPoE.  I've got an old
> laptop running RH 7.3 (can't be updated) acting as a firewall/router.

> I now need a PPPoE client.  What is the package to use for this
purpose in RH 7.3?
> TIA.
> --
>                 Matthew Saltzman
> Clemson University Math Sciences
> mjs AT clemson DOT edu
> --
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