I have an HP Ulitium tape drive which until I installed updates on Wednesday was working fine. Since then the system no longer finds it. I know that it is using the module mptscsih. Even if I do a rmmod mptscsih and then a modprobe mptscsih it won't find it. I have found some stuff as I searched for a solution about certain kernels not playing nicely with the module mptscsih. The kernel I was running was 2.6.9-22 the new one that was installed is 2.6.9-34. Could there be an issue with the new kernel? Can I boot from the old kernel and if so how do I do it. I am running RHEL 4.0. Paul Crittenden Computer Systems Manager Simpson College Phone: 515-961-1680 Email: paul.crittenden@xxxxxxxxxxx -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subjecthttps://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list