On Thu, 9 Mar 2006, Nick Sotterwood wrote: > I got the list But I will need the package versions of > the updated packages. How can I get them. I dont want > to Upgrade from Taroon update 4 to 5 but I need to > deploy a product on 5 which is already working on > Update 4. So I will need the specifications. Hi Jay, I'm working on a tool that allows exactly what you want. But unfortunately it is not finished. It creates a database of all the RHSA (security), RHBA (bugfixes) and RHEA (enhancements) and allows you to query it in all different ways. In your case that would be: give me all new packages since <date> that have product name 3ES but then in SQL :) What currently works is: - scrap the RHN website for all the latest RHSAs and create XML advisories (aerrate) - create the database from XML advisories (sarahdb) - report general database stats (sarahinfo) - perform custom queries (sarahsql) What currently is in progress: - scrap RHBAs and RHEAs (aerrate) - create default reports (sarahrep) - verify a system's packages against this database - send out security reports in different formats - for management - for customers (prior to maintenance) - for security-team - the one you requested - hooks to integrate Sarah into other tools/backends The project is called SARAH and is found at: http://dag.wieers.com/home-made/sarah/ I am currently waiting for Red Hat to releases the advisories in XML format (which would make aerrate obsolete and bring RHBAs and RHEAs into the picture). The information that is currently stored inside the database: Advisory table (adv): contains the advisories and its characteristics advid, pushcount, severitylevel, issuedate, updatedate, type, synopsis, description, topic, keywords, rhgroup, obsoletes Reference table (ref): contains the references to project bugzillas, CVE and other sources advid, reftype, reference, id, summary RPM package table (rpm): contains the individual packages that relate to advisories advid, prodshort, arch, filename, md5 Product table (pro): contains the different product names prodshort, product As you see, having this information at your disposal allows to integrate it into whatever process that is being used inside organisations. I need some people willing to test and give feedback in order to drive development. So if you (or your organisation) has a need for something like this, your help will help to get there :) Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag@xxxxxxxxxx, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power] -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list