First off, what version of Oracle is this. If 9i or 10g, you should be using RMAN as your backup. CP is not a valid, or supported, backup strategy, especially if the DB is still running while you are copying. The reason you are seeing heavy CPU is that you are I/O bound from the SAN to your disks. You are hitting wait time, which brings both your load avg, and your cpu usage up. Thanks, Tom Callahan TESSCO Technologies (443)-506-6216 callahant@xxxxxxxxxx A real engineer only resorts to documentation when the keyboard dents on the forehead get too noticeable. mcclnx mcc wrote: >we have DELL 2650 server (2 X 3.0 Ghz, 12 GB RAM) with >Redhat AS 3 update 4 installed on it (32 bits). This server is >dedicate for ORACLE databases. Recently this server >frequently hang whild doing ORACLE nightly backup. >ORACLE nightly backup is "CP" command copy files from >DELL/EMC SAN to DELL 2650 server local disks(PERC >3/di). > >I alos found while doing "CP" the CPU load between 7 >to 14 (NO other application running). I wonder why >simple "cp" command will cause this high CPU load. > >Please help. > > >Thanks > > > >___________________________________________________ 最新版 Yahoo!奇摩即時通訊 7.0,免費網路電話任你打! > > -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe