rupesh kumar kumar wrote:
Hai everybody,
I have a box which needs to be configured to the IPAddress which the client wishes. The client will attach an ipaddress to my box's MAC Address by giving the command
'arp -s x.x.x.x xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx' at dos prompt.
And you think that by adding to the client's arp mapping an random ip
you will remotely add an ip address to your box? I don't quite follow
you but on second thought I'm not sure if you can follow yourself.
then he gives 'telnet x.x.x.x portno' portno is my box's portno.
Aim is to connect to my box and resolve the ipaddress the client has
given and configure the box to that IP address..
While doing telnet the packets are coming to the box but they are
dropped at the ethernet level.
I request you to send any solution/suggestion to my problem.
And you are trying to do what?
I think that you might need an pptp server.
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