I've set up a bunch of Postfix servers in the past, but I have these two new Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 AS servers running Postfix that don't use the "myorigin" parameter in main.cf for some reason. mydomain = foo.com myhostname = mail.foo.com myorigin = $mydomain Whenever I send mail out from the command line using either the mail or sendmail command, the mail will be sent as "root@xxxxxxxxxxxx" instead of "root@xxxxxxx". It uses whatever the hostname of the machine is...not the hostname listed in main.cf. If I run the command "hostname newname.foo.net" and then send mail out, it will go out as "root@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". I've never seen this problem before on any other servers. Chaning the myorigin parameter to anything and running 'postfix reload' has no effect. Also, I tried addding the "masquerade_domain = foo.com" option but it didn't change anything. Thanks, Chris -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:redhat-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx?subject=unsubscribe https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list