No I have not tried rpm -V pam, but here is the output:
[root@blochee root]# rpm -V pam
S.5....T c /etc/pam.d/system-auth
[root@blochee root]#
Any thoughts on my problem... It is driving me up the wall.
Stuart Sears wrote:
On Wednesday 07 July 2004 22:48, Steven wrote:
I do have /lib/security/pam_ldap.so. Also here is the following info:
[root@blochee root]# cd /lib/security/
[root@blochee security]# ls
pam_access.so pam_krb5.so pam_rhosts_auth.so pam_unix_auth.so
pam_chroot.so pam_lastlog.so pam_rootok.so pam_unix_passwd.so
pam_console.so pam_ldap.so pam_securetty.so pam_unix_session.so
pam_cracklib.so pam_limits.so pam_shells.so pam_unix.so
pam_deny.so pam_listfile.so pam_smb_auth.so pam_userdb.so
pam_env.so pam_localuser.so pam_smbpass.so pam_warn.so
pam_filter pam_mail.so pam_stack.so pam_wheel.so
pam_filter.so pam_mkhomedir.so pam_stress.so pam_winbind.so
pam_ftp.so pam_motd.so pam_tally.so pam_xauth.so
pam_group.so pam_nologin.so pam_time.so
pam_issue.so pam_permit.so pam_timestamp.so
pam_krb5afs.so pam_pwdb.so pam_unix_acct.so
[root@blochee security]# rpm -V nss_ldap
S.5....T c /etc/ldap.conf
[root@blochee security]#
Maybe there is a problem with pam_ldap.so?
Thanks again for your help.
have you tried
rpm -V pam?
Stuart Sears RHCE, RHCX
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