----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 9:34
Subject: new to list / network eth0
Brand new to the list, hope to learn and help as much
as I can.
I installed RHEL ES 3.0 on an Intel box. The install
smoothly and I am at the point where I can do
just about
all I need. I want to ping an Windows
2000 server but
I get "Destination Host
Unreachable". I try to ping the
Linux box, but
get 'Request timed out'.
I am able to ping all other machines from other domains
the Linux and Windows server aren't talking to
each other.
The IS / network team suggested that because the network is
100T full-duplex, the servers may not talk to
each other
(It is my understanding that the network
auto negotiates, but
that's another story) and I need
to configure my eth0 card
to do 100 Full instead of
100 Half Duplex (the messages
file confirms that I am
doing 100 Half Dup on the Linux box).
Is it possible to force the eth0 card to do 100 Full on a
auto negotiating network like the Windows box?
If so, how?
redhat-list mailing list
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