The file system for the floppy is most
likely fat16 or fat32 or some generic floppy format that has been around a long
time and therefore the linux community has had time to build support for it
into the kernel and also redhat can be very sure that by including support for
which ever file system is on the floppy they are nor going to be sued by Microsoft.
The partition that you are trying to acces is most likely ntfs which is a
recent Microsoft “innovation” (read: knockoff) and therefore if a
company like redhat includes support for it in their stock kernel that support
may be unstable so they just don’t. The patch is easy to apply and you’ll
never notice once it’s their. These are just my thoughts and you should
consider them dead wrong until you find out for yourself. -Douglas From: Hi,
One question I
am trying to access floppy from root (RedHat linux 8.0). I see that I just need
to modify the /etc/fstab to mount a floppy which happens to be DOS formatted.
But if when it comes to Hard drive, I need the patch for the kernel. Why? thanks Sachin
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