Body which is the message body and contains the data that we want to send, if any. Generally, the body is used with POST and PUT methods.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to redhat-list+unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxx.I am using a postman to invoke a REST API call. Is there a way to capture the cURL (https://curl.se/) request (header and body) initiated by Postman REST API client to the Application server which is running RHEL 8.10 OS to the backend server/system?
Postman -> Application server -> Proxy server -> Backend server.
Headers which contain metadata about the request, such as content type, user agent, and so on.
Body which is the message body and contains the data that we want to send, if any. Generally, the body is used with POST and PUT methods.
Please guide me.
Best Regards,