Re: [PATCH V2] mdmon: imsm: fix metadata corruption when managing new array

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> On Feb 28, 2025, at 1:38 AM, Blazej Kucman <blazej.kucman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Feb 2025 14:48:17 +0800
> Xiao Ni <xni@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 24, 2025 at 9:16 PM Blazej Kucman
>>> <blazej.kucman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 18 Feb 2025 10:48:31 -0800
>>> Junxiao Bi <> wrote:
>>>> When manager thread detects new array, it will invoke
>>>> manage_new(). For imsm array, it will further invoke
>>>> imsm_open_new(). Since commit bbab0940fa75("imsm: write bad block
>>>> log on metadata sync"), it preallocates bad block log when
>>>> opening the array, that requires increasing the mpb buffer size.
>>>> For that, imsm_open_new() invokes function
>>>> imsm_update_metadata_locally(), which first uses
>>>> imsm_prepare_update() to allocate a larger mpb buffer and store
>>>> it at "mpb->next_buf", and then invoke imsm_process_update() to
>>>> copy the content from current mpb buffer "mpb->buf" to
>>>> "mpb->next_buf", and then free the current mpb buffer and set the
>>>> new buffer as current.
>>>> There is a small race window, when monitor thread is syncing
>>>> metadata, it gets current buffer pointer in
>>>> imsm_sync_metadata()->write_super_imsm(), but before flushing the
>>>> buffer to disk, manager thread does above switching buffer which
>>>> frees current buffer, then monitor thread will run into
>>>> use-after-free issue and could cause on-disk metadata corruption.
>>>> If system keeps running, further metadata update could fix the
>>>> corruption, because after switching buffer, the new buffer will
>>>> contain good metadata, but if panic/power cycle happens while disk
>>>> metadata is corrupted, the system will run into bootup failure if
>>>> array is used as root, otherwise the array can not be assembled
>>>> after boot if not used as root.
>>>> This issue will not happen for imsm array with only one member
>>>> array, because the memory array has not be opened yet, monitor
>>>> thread will not do any metadata updates.
>>>> This can happen for imsm array with at lease two member array, in
>>>> the following two scenarios:
>>>> 1. Restarting mdmon process with at least two member array
>>>> This will happen during system boot up or user restart mdmon after
>>>> mdadm upgrade
>>>> 2. Adding new member array to exist imsm array with at least one
>>>> member array.
>>>> To fix this, delay the switching buffer operation to monitor
>>>> thread.
>>>> Fixes: bbab0940fa75("imsm: write bad block log on metadata sync")
>>>> Signed-off-by: Junxiao Bi <>
>>>> ---
>>>> v2 <- v1:
>>>> - address code style in manage_new()
>>>> - make lines of git log not over 75 characters
>>>> managemon.c   | 10 ++++++++--
>>>> super-intel.c | 14 +++++++++++---
>>>> 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/managemon.c b/managemon.c
>>>> index d79813282457..74b64bfc9613 100644
>>>> --- a/managemon.c
>>>> +++ b/managemon.c
>>>> @@ -721,11 +721,12 @@ static void manage_new(struct mdstat_ent
>>>> *mdstat,
>>>>       * the monitor.
>>>>       */
>>>> +     struct metadata_update *update = NULL;
>>>>      struct active_array *new = NULL;
>>>>      struct mdinfo *mdi = NULL, *di;
>>>> -     int i, inst;
>>>> -     int failed = 0;
>>>>      char buf[SYSFS_MAX_BUF_SIZE];
>>>> +     int failed = 0;
>>>> +     int i, inst;
>>>>      /* check if array is ready to be monitored */
>>>>      if (!mdstat->active || !mdstat->level)
>>>> @@ -824,9 +825,14 @@ static void manage_new(struct mdstat_ent
>>>> *mdstat, /* if everything checks out tell the metadata handler we
>>>> want to
>>>>       * manage this instance
>>>>       */
>>>> +     container->update_tail = &update;
>>>>      if (!aa_ready(new) || container->ss->open_new(container,
>>>> new, inst) < 0) {
>>>> +             container->update_tail = NULL;
>>>>              goto error;
>>>>      } else {
>>>> +             if (update)
>>>> +                     queue_metadata_update(update);
>>>> +             container->update_tail = NULL;
>>>>              replace_array(container, victim, new);
>>>>              if (failed) {
>>>>                      new->check_degraded = 1;
>>>> diff --git a/super-intel.c b/super-intel.c
>>>> index cab841980830..4988eef191da 100644
>>>> --- a/super-intel.c
>>>> +++ b/super-intel.c
>>>> @@ -8467,12 +8467,15 @@ static int imsm_count_failed(struct
>>>> intel_super *super, struct imsm_dev *dev, return failed;
>>>> }
>>>> +static int imsm_prepare_update(struct supertype *st,
>>>> +                            struct metadata_update *update);
>>>> static int imsm_open_new(struct supertype *c, struct
>>>> active_array *a, int inst)
>>>> {
>>>>      struct intel_super *super = c->sb;
>>>>      struct imsm_super *mpb = super->anchor;
>>>> -     struct imsm_update_prealloc_bb_mem u;
>>>> +     struct imsm_update_prealloc_bb_mem *u;
>>>> +     struct metadata_update mu;
>>>>      if (inst >= mpb->num_raid_devs) {
>>>>              pr_err("subarry index %d, out of range\n", inst);
>>>> @@ -8482,8 +8485,13 @@ static int imsm_open_new(struct supertype
>>>> *c, struct active_array *a, dprintf("imsm: open_new %d\n", inst);
>>>>      a->info.container_member = inst;
>>>> -     u.type = update_prealloc_badblocks_mem;
>>>> -     imsm_update_metadata_locally(c, &u, sizeof(u));
>>>> +     u = xmalloc(sizeof(*u));
>>>> +     u->type = update_prealloc_badblocks_mem;
>>>> +     mu.len = sizeof(*u);
>>>> +     mu.buf = (char *)u;
>>>> +     imsm_prepare_update(c, &mu);
>>>> +     if (c->update_tail)
>>>> +             append_metadata_update(c, u, sizeof(*u));
>>>>      return 0;
>>>> }  
>>> Hi Junxiao,
>>> LGTM, Approved
>>> Thanks,
>>> Blazej
>> Hi Blazej
>> Have you updated the PR
>> with this V2
>> version?
>> Regards
>> Xiao
> Hi,
> Yes, the test result is the same as V1 but there is one note from
> checkpatch
> WARNING:BAD_FIXES_TAG: Please use correct Fixes: style 'Fixes: <12
> chars of sha1> ("<title line>")' - ie: 'Fixes: ca847037fafb ("[V2]mdmon: imsm: fix metadata corruption when managing new array")'
> #42:
> Fixes: bbab0940fa75("imsm: write bad block log on metadata sync")
If you don’t mind, just add a space between commit id and subject should fix it, the checkpatch seemed too strict on this.

> Regards,
> Blazej

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