Am 21.01.23 um 15:38 schrieb Pascal Hambourg:
On 21/01/2023 at 15:31, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 21.01.23 um 15:15 schrieb Pascal Hambourg:
On 21/01/2023 at 13:17, Reindl Harald wrote:
"with uefi you can no longer have everything needed for boot on a RAID"
AFAIK, that was never possible with legacy BIOS boot either. The MBR
and GRUB core image were outside RAID
yeah, we all know that you need "grub-install /dev/sdx" on each device
- that's common knowledge and stuff outside the RAID partitions
and it's not something which got changed at kernel-updates and so
Then what is your point?
what was your point when we all know that the MBR wanst't part of the
RAID and frankly wasn't stored inside a partition at all
my point in that bugreport is that i don't want to manually call
"" after kernel updates which are happening often on Fedora is responsible for create the initrd and so on - when
i can tell that "call /scripts/" after you are done my ESP
partitions on both drives are always in sync
and no the 1:1000000 chance that a crash happens between isn't relevant
because the whole kenel-install/initrd dance isn't atomic at it's own