Re: My superblocks have gone missing, can't reassemble raid5

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I should say that all of my current diagnostic output is actually from
a virt running Debian 10 (Kernel 4.19.0), not the original Ubuntu
12.04.  But the behavior is practically the same in both, and I'd
rather get it working on a modern system anyway.


On Sun, May 16, 2021 at 9:16 PM Christopher Thomas <youkai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've updated my system & migrated my 3 raid5 component drives from the
> old to the new, but now can't reassemble the array - mdadm just
> doesn't recognize that these belong to an array at all.
> The scenario:
> For many years, I've run a raid5 array on a virtual Linux server
> (Ubuntu 12.04) in VirtualBox on a Windows 10 host, with 3 2.7TB drives
> attached to the virt in "Raw Disk" mode, and assembled into an array.
> I recently upgraded to a completely different physical machine, but
> still running Windows 10 and VirtualBox.  I'm reasonably sure that the
> last time I shut it down, the array was clean.  Or at they very least,
> the drives had superblocks.  I plugged the old drives into it,
> migrated the virtual machine image to the new system, and attached
> them as raw disks, just as in the old system.  And they show up as
> /dev/sd[b-d], as before.  However, it's not recognized automatically
> as an array at boot, and manual attempts to assemble & start the array
> fail with 'no superblock'
> The closest I've found online as a solution is to --create the array
> again using the same parameters.  But it sounds like if I don't get
> the drive order exactly the same, I'll lose the data.  Other solutions
> hint at playing with the partition table, but I'm equally nervous
> about that.  So I thought it was a good time to stop & ask for advice.
> The details:
> Here's my arrangement of disks now, where sd[bcd] are the components:
> ==========
> chris@ursula:~$ lsblk
> sda      8:0    0 20.1G  0 disk
> ├─sda1   8:1    0 19.2G  0 part /
> ├─sda2   8:2    0    1K  0 part
> └─sda5   8:5    0  976M  0 part [SWAP]
> sdb      8:16   0  2.7T  0 disk
> └─sdb1   8:17   0  128M  0 part
> sdc      8:32   0  2.7T  0 disk
> └─sdc1   8:33   0  128M  0 part
> sdd      8:48   0  2.7T  0 disk
> └─sdd1   8:49   0  128M  0 part
> sr0     11:0    1 1024M  0 rom
> chris@ursula:~$ sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
> Disk /dev/sda: 20.1 GiB, 21613379584 bytes, 42213632 sectors
> Disk model: VBOX HARDDISK
> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disklabel type: dos
> Disk identifier: 0x4bbbafdf
> Device     Boot    Start      End  Sectors  Size Id Type
> /dev/sda1  *        2048 40212479 40210432 19.2G 83 Linux
> /dev/sda2       40214526 42213375  1998850  976M  5 Extended
> /dev/sda5       40214528 42213375  1998848  976M 82 Linux swap / Solaris
> Disk /dev/sdb: 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 sectors
> Disk model: VBOX HARDDISK
> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disklabel type: gpt
> Disk identifier: 6489224B-FAF8-45E2-AB3D-C0D280F8E91E
> Device     Start    End Sectors  Size Type
> /dev/sdb1     34 262177  262144  128M Microsoft reserved
> Disk /dev/sdc: 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 sectors
> Disk model: VBOX HARDDISK
> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disklabel type: gpt
> Disk identifier: 6497BDEB-A8D0-40D7-9CD2-D06018862F2B
> Device     Start    End Sectors  Size Type
> /dev/sdc1     34 262177  262144  128M Microsoft reserved
> Disk /dev/sdd: 2.7 TiB, 3000592982016 bytes, 5860533168 sectors
> Disk model: VBOX HARDDISK
> Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
> Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
> Disklabel type: gpt
> Disk identifier: 9DB2C3F2-F93D-4A6D-AE0E-CE28A8B8C4A2
> Device     Start    End Sectors  Size Type
> /dev/sdd1     34 262177  262144  128M Microsoft reserved
> ==========
> Note: I always intended to use the whole disk, so I don't know why I
> would have created a single large partition on each, and I don't
> recall doing so.  But it's been a while, so I just might not be
> remembering.
> Here's what happens when I try to do anything with it:
> ===========
> chris@ursula:~$ sudo /sbin/mdadm --verbose --assemble /dev/md0
> /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd
> mdadm: looking for devices for /dev/md0
> mdadm: Cannot assemble mbr metadata on /dev/sdb
> mdadm: /dev/sdb has no superblock - assembly aborted
> chris@ursula:~$ sudo /sbin/mdadm --examine /dev/sd[bcd]*
> /dev/sdb:
>    MBR Magic : aa55
> Partition[0] :   4294967295 sectors at            1 (type ee)
> mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdb1.
> /dev/sdc:
>    MBR Magic : aa55
> Partition[0] :   4294967295 sectors at            1 (type ee)
> mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdc1.
> /dev/sdd:
>    MBR Magic : aa55
> Partition[0] :   4294967295 sectors at            1 (type ee)
> mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdd1.
> ======
> At some point on the old system, back when the array was still
> working, I did dump the results of Examine, which looked like this:
> ==========
> /dev/sdb:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 36205acf:993973ba:05712a13:ff75c031
>            Name : ursula:0  (local to host ursula)
>   Creation Time : Fri Apr 26 23:15:04 2013
>      Raid Level : raid5
>    Raid Devices : 3
>  Avail Dev Size : 5860271024 (2794.40 GiB 3000.46 GB)
>      Array Size : 5860270080 (5588.79 GiB 6000.92 GB)
>   Used Dev Size : 5860270080 (2794.39 GiB 3000.46 GB)
>     Data Offset : 262144 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : 8841770a:f653d990:d5db60a0:fe2e4276
>     Update Time : Sun Jul  5 12:36:19 2020
>        Checksum : 3a671053 - correct
>          Events : 76713
>          Layout : left-symmetric
>      Chunk Size : 512K
>    Device Role : Active device 2
>    Array State : AAA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdc:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 36205acf:993973ba:05712a13:ff75c031
>            Name : ursula:0  (local to host ursula)
>   Creation Time : Fri Apr 26 23:15:04 2013
>      Raid Level : raid5
>    Raid Devices : 3
>  Avail Dev Size : 5860271024 (2794.40 GiB 3000.46 GB)
>      Array Size : 5860270080 (5588.79 GiB 6000.92 GB)
>   Used Dev Size : 5860270080 (2794.39 GiB 3000.46 GB)
>     Data Offset : 262144 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : clean
>     Device UUID : 87fd8496:95c9cd5e:5caaa28a:25f6ab04
>     Update Time : Sat May 30 02:02:45 2020
>        Checksum : ce4cd20 - correct
>          Events : 76711
>          Layout : left-symmetric
>      Chunk Size : 512K
>    Device Role : Active device 0
>    Array State : AAA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> /dev/sdd:
>           Magic : a92b4efc
>         Version : 1.2
>     Feature Map : 0x0
>      Array UUID : 36205acf:993973ba:05712a13:ff75c031
>            Name : ursula:0  (local to host ursula)
>   Creation Time : Fri Apr 26 23:15:04 2013
>      Raid Level : raid5
>    Raid Devices : 3
>  Avail Dev Size : 5860271024 (2794.40 GiB 3000.46 GB)
>      Array Size : 5860270080 (5588.79 GiB 6000.92 GB)
>   Used Dev Size : 5860270080 (2794.39 GiB 3000.46 GB)
>     Data Offset : 262144 sectors
>    Super Offset : 8 sectors
>           State : active
>     Device UUID : c796e484:b4ed6813:a97e0ce9:66a56758
>     Update Time : Sun Jul  5 12:36:19 2020
>        Checksum : 6235188e - correct
>          Events : 76713
>          Layout : left-symmetric
>      Chunk Size : 512K
>    Device Role : Active device 1
>    Array State : AAA ('A' == active, '.' == missing)
> ==========
> Thank you for any ideas or guidance you can offer.
> -Chris

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