Well, that is rather the point, actually. I can't find anywhere
that Debian *DID* run the script in the previous versions. Failing
that, either Debian was doing it somewhere of which I have no knowledge,
or else mdadm itself was running it. Since mdadm itself does have some
timers built-in, the latter is not a totally unreasonable method of
handling the situation, hence my query to the list.
To the rest, I wasn't offended. My skin is much thicker than
that. More to the point, my desire to get this fix is the entire
concern of this thread. My ego isn't involved.
On 3/11/2020 7:17 AM, Wols Lists wrote:
On 11/03/20 01:11, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
Is there seriously no one here who knows how checkarray was launched
in previous versions?
You need to ask on a Debian list. I for one don't have a damn clue
because I actively avoid apt-based systems.
Sorry, I don't mean to be harsh, but each distro "does its own thing" so
a lot of people (like me) *will* be clueless on that point, even if we
are raid experts.
On 3/1/2020 3:03 PM, Leslie Rhorer wrote:
I have upgraded 2 of my servers to Debian Buster, and now neither
one seems to be running checkarray automatically. In addition, when I
run checkarray manually, it isn't sending update emails on the status
of the job. Actually, I have never been able to figure out how
checkarray runs. One my older servers, there doesn't seem to be
anything in /etc/crontab, /etc/cron.monthly, /etc/init.d/,
/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, or /lib/systemd/system/ that would run checkarray.