Il 17/06/2018 20:30, Wols Lists ha scritto:
Anyways, first things first. I'm guessing /dev/sda failed. Do you have
another computer? Can you examine this disk there? Can you do a ddrescue
to copy the contents onto your new hard disk?
Hello, I'm here again
I have found a guide to ddrescue here:
After reading avidly, I have connected the first damaged disk (/dev/sda)
and the new disk buyed some week ago to another PC, and I have started
the system with a live mint distro.
I have installed gddrescue, and executed the following commands:
mint ~ # lsblk -o name,label,size,fstype,model
sdd 3.8G DataTraveler SE9
└─sdd1 LINUX MINT 3.8G vfat
sdb 1.8T WDC WD20EARS-00M
├─sdb2 1.8T
├─sdb3 thecus:50 512M linux_raid_member
└─sdb1 thecus:10 2G linux_raid_member
fd0 4K
sde 7.5G Flash Disk
└─sde1 SILICON 8GB 7.5G ntfs
loop0 1.7G squashfs
sdc 1.8T ST2000DM006-2DM1
sda 372.6G Hitachi HDS72404
├─sda2 191.9G ntfs
├─sda5 176.7G ext4
├─sda3 1K
├─sda1 Riservato per il sistema 100M ntfs
└─sda6 4G swap
sdd is the USB with the live distro, and sda is the disk installed on
the PC, with a linux and a windows system
sde is an USB for storing the ddrescue's logs
sdb is the damaged disk (with the raid's partitions)
sdc is the new disk
so I have executed this command:
mint ~ # ddrescue -d -f /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /media/usb/ddrescue.logfile
GNU ddrescue 1.19
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
rescued: 0 B, errsize: 2000 GB, current rate: 0 B/s
ipos: 2000 GB, errors: 1, average rate: 0 B/s
opos: 2000 GB, run time: 4.27 h, successful read: 4.27 h ago
the ddrescue's log is the following:
# Rescue Logfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.19
# Command line: ddrescue -d -f /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
# Start time: 2018-06-19 07:35:10
# Current time: 2018-06-19 11:51:41
# Finished
# current_pos current_status
0x1D1C1115C00 +
# pos size status
0x00000000 0x1D1C1116000 -
I think that the result is nothing good. furthermore, executing again
lsblk command I have this:
mint ~ # lsblk -o name,label,size,fstype,model
sdd 3.8G DataTraveler SE9
└─sdd1 LINUX MINT 3.8G vfat
fd0 4K
sde 7.5G Flash Disk
└─sde1 SILICON 8GB 7.5G ntfs
loop0 1.7G squashfs
sdc 1.8T ST2000DM006-2DM1
sda 372.6G Hitachi HDS72404
├─sda2 191.9G ntfs
├─sda5 176.7G ext4
├─sda3 1K
├─sda1 Riservato per il sistema 100M ntfs
└─sda6 4G swap
the "raid" disk is disappeared!
so I have restarted the system (the raid disk was present again after a
reboot), to try again a ddrescue with -r3 option
mint ~ # ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
GNU ddrescue 1.19
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
rescued: 0 B, errsize: 2000 GB, current rate: 0 B/s
ipos: 2000 GB, errors: 1, average rate: 0 B/s
opos: 2000 GB, run time: 17.65 h, successful read: 17.65 h ago
this is the new ddrescue's log file:
# Rescue Logfile. Created by GNU ddrescue version 1.19
# Command line: ddrescue -d -f -r3 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc
# Start time: 2018-06-19 14:20:03
# Current time: 2018-06-20 07:59:26
# Finished
# current_pos current_status
0x1D1C1115E00 +
# pos size status
0x00000000 0x1D1C1116000 -
again, nothing good. The new disk is empty, and the "errsize: 2000 GB"
let me think that the old disk is really all damaged.
The second damaged disk is still on the NAS, and I'm not touching
nothing, obviously.
Now I'm thinking to halt the NAS and try a ddrescue of the second
damaged disk to the new. Is this make some sense or it is absolutely
In the meantime, I'm waiting for a second new disk..
Again, thanks in advance for any really appreciated advice and help
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